Randomly had the urge to compile a list of slasher films that never received a sequel or the remake treatment. Which is insane considering sequels are usually more achievable for horror films than most other film genres.
By no means a definitive list, but these are titles which scored favourably from me on Letterboxd at some point in time.
Rituals (Peter Carter, 1977)
Don't Go in the House (Joseph Ellison, 1979)
Tourist Trap (David Schmoeller, 1979)
New Year's Evil (Emmett Alston, 1980)
Nightmares (John D. Lamond, 1980)
The Burning (Tony Maylam, 1981)
Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker AKA Night Warning (William Asher, 1981)
Deadly Blessing (Wes Craven, 1981)
Eyes of a Stranger (Ken Weiderhorn, 1981)
Ghostkeeper (James Makichuk, 1981)
Graduation Day (Herb Freed, 1981)
Happy Birthday to Me (J. Lee Thompson, 1981)
Hell Night (Tom DeSimone, 1981)
Hospital Massacre (Boaz Davidson, 1981)
Just Before Dawn (Jeff Lieberman, 1981)
Madman (Joe Giannone, 1981)
Night School (Ken Hughes, 1981)
The Prowler AKA Rosemary's Killer (Joseph Zito, 1981)
Girls Nite Out AKA The Scaremaker (Robert Deubel, 1982)
Humongous (Paul Lynch, 1982)
The New York Ripper (Lucio Fulci, 1982)
Pieces (Juan Piquer Simón, 1982)
Pranks AKA The Dorm That Dripped Blood (Stephen Carpenter, Jeffrey Obrow, 1982)
Unhinged (Don Gronquist, 1982)
Curtains (Richard Ciupka, 1983)
The Funhouse (Tobe Hooper, 1983)
The Prey (Edwin Brown, 1983)
Sweet Sixteen (Jim Sotos, 1983)
Blood Tracks (Mats Helge, Mike Jackson, 1985)
Killer Party (William Fruet, 1986)
Slaughter High (Mark Ezra, Peter Litten, George Dugdale, 1986)
Doom Asylum (Richard Friedman, 1987)
Stage Fright (Michele Soavi, 1987)
Cheerleader Camp AKA Bloody Pom Poms (Joe Quinn, 1988)
Intruder (Scott Spiegel, 1989)
Shocker (Wes Craven, 1989)
Popcorn (Mark Herrier, 1991)
Happy Hell Night (Brian Owens, 1992)
Skinner (Ivan Nagy, 1993)
Brainscan (John Flyn, 1994)
Kolobos (Daniel Liatowitsch, David Todd Ocvirk, 1999)
Shredder (Greg Huson, 2003)
All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (Jonathan Levine, 2006)
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (Scott Glosserman, 2006)
F (Johannes Roberts, 2010)
Hush (Mike Flanagan, 2016)
Haunt (Scott Beck, Bryan Woods, 2018)
Candy Land (John Swab, 2022)
Totally Killer (Nahnatchka Khan, 2023)
Said it before and I'll say it again: 1981 was a golden year for horror and the slasher!
1981 was indeed a vintage year for horror films, especially slashers.
Glad to see that PIECES made it on your list. That insane flick rides the slasher bandwagon right off the rails and over a cliff. It's so excessive in trying to be typical of the genre while adding some inexplicable goofiness into the bloody mess that it just had to achieve cult status.
Always loved how the killer from Pieces could hide a loud and dangerous tool like a chainsaw without the victim not noticing it. It's also the film with what is undoubtedly Linda Day George's performance.
Have a soft spot the other slashers which Dick Randall also produced: Slaughter High (1986) for its creative kills, and Don't Open Till Christmas (1984) for being an utterly enjoyable train wreck.
There's a sorta-sequel to Cheerlader Camp from 2014 called Cheerleader Camp: To The Death. Apparently based on the outline from the original proposed sequel.
Had no idea Cheerleader Camp even got a sequel. Looks super low budget based on its trailer.
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