Monday, August 19, 2024

Night of the Living Debt

Bruiser (Trailer)
George A. Romero, 2000
Amongst George A. Romero's film oeuvre, the psychological thriller Bruiser (2000) was something of a blind spot until very recently.

Bruiser can be best described as the missing link between The Mask (1994) and American Psycho (2000). Despite some great ideas and Peter Stormare's scene stealing as an outrageously sleazy boss, the film is a let down due to an unfocussed script and its messy execution. To hazard a guess, it reeks of studio interference.

Misfits - Scream 
Famous Monsters, 1999

An interesting story about Bruiser, however, is how it does honour a favour between the horror punk band the Misfits and Romero for having him direct their music video for Scream! The only music video Romero ever directed. Misfits would return the favour by appearing in Bruiser and performing a four song set; including the titular song.

The film would end up a commercial failure, but the zombie movie renaissance in the 2000s would result in Romero still making films, although restricted to another Dead trilogy. 

Land of the Dead (Behind the scenes w/ Edgar Wright & Simon Pegg)
George A. Romero, 2005

The first film in the new trilogy, the underrated Land of the Dead (2005), would feature cameos from Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright as flesh eating zombies. The British comedy duo ignited their film careers the previous year with the success of their zombie comedy Shaun of the Dead (2004), which was heavily inspired by Romero's original Dead trilogy. 

Just goes to show the extent of Romero's influence on other creative types and how willing they were to repay him.


Kelvin Mack10zie said...

A late 70s era Misfits video directed by Romero could have been the best thing ever.

Spartan said...

Would have been great. Could have had John Amplas and Joseph Pilato with devilock barnets in it.