Friday, November 29, 2024

Franco Pops

Franco Micalizzi - Stridulum Theme
Stridulum AKA The Visitor OST, 1979

Forget what the cinephiles watching it ironically say, Giulio Paradisi's sci-fi horror The Visitor (1979) is dreadful. Despite the A-list cast, it's a train wreck cursed with a nonsensical plot (and not in the Lucio Fulci fever dream kind of way) that takes obvious inspiration from The Omen (1976) and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) and still manages to be a perplexing bore. Not even an uncredited Franco Nero as Space Jesus can save it.

Fortunately, it does have one redeeming feature: its soundtrack. Franco Micalizzi blessed the film with a score way better than it deserved. The tracks themselves serve as a great time capsule of Bork jazz funk and traditional orchestral sounds that mimicked American composers in the Seventies.

Pick of the bunch for your host is Stridulum Theme. Sounds like the perfect musical accompaniment to an over-the-hill, pudgy boxer walking towards the ring. More importantly, it's an absolute head nodder. Genuinely surprised it hasn't been sampled that much.

Izzy Wizzy, lets go Micalizzi! Other soundtrack gems from the composer:

Trinity (Main Title) / They Call Me Trinity (1970)

Suspicion (Opening Titles) / The Two Faces of Fear (1972)

Without Fear / You're Unlucky Friend, You Met Sacramento (1972)

Bargain with the Devil / Beyond the Door (1974)

Seq. 14 / Syndicate Sadists (1975)

Manile / Laure (1976)

Seq. 6 / Rome Armed to the Teeth AKA The Tough Ones (1976)

The No-Peace Pursuit / Italy at Gunpoint AKA A Special Cop in Action (1976)

Breathlessness / The Cynic, the Rat and the Fist (1977)

Main Title / Brothers Till We Die (1977)

Running Away from Jerzy / Stridulum AKA The Visitor (1979)

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