Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Art of Watching Without Watching

There are a multitude of reasons why Sight and Sound's The Greatest Films of All Time list sucked harder than the cabin pressure in Auric Goldfinger's plane. Accepting nominations made by a film critic who hadn't even watched Enter the Dragon (1973) until its fiftieth anniversary, and taking them remotely seriously, has got to be a major one.

Your host wouldn't have Enter the Dragon on his list either, but is still a fan regardless; copping an uncut bootleg during the BBFC regime era, and even owning the classic OST by Lalo Schifrin. The question is: how could any professional film critic have a movie blindspot as massive as the one that's associated with turning Bruce Lee into a global superstar and still be respected?

This example really does give validity to Paul Schrader's claims in an IndieWire interview that the poll was rigged by "not actual film critics", regardless of it coming off like unapologetic film snobbery. Additionally, in that very same piece, he loosely blamed the current state of film criticism on Quentin Tarantino's attitude and opinions being constantly regurgitated by the masses. As much as I enjoy QT's thoughts on film rather than his own recent material, he did piss off Shannon Lee, Bruce's daughter, and ended up doubling down on his negative portrayal of the martial arts legend in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019). Might not be on a critic's payroll, but even I know that indulgent, meandering mess was greatly inferior to Enter the Dragon. Shame on any film critic thinking otherwise.


  1. Seeing this on the big screen a few months back for its 50th anniversary was a blast.

    I follow Sight & Sound on FB and they post random critics/directors ballots from the last poll. The comments are always filled with angry ponces if someone's list contains a Hollywood movie made after 1980/it doesn't contain a movie made by a female director etc 😄

  2. 1973 was a major year for movies.

    Not on FB, but ever since I returned to Letterboxd, the recent movie bias on there is insane. Love clicking on some random's profile and checking out their favourite movies, latest viewings and their mental struggles from their reviews.

    Have you watched The Royal Hotel yet?

  3. Negative. Neither of my local spots have shown it.

  4. Damn, I thought that would wind up everywhere since it was being screened at my local Cineworld multiplex. Kermode didn’t review it either, which really surprised me.
