Monday, October 23, 2023

Letterboxd Blasphemies

Ought to preface this post with the only reason I even returned to Letterboxd was the utility it offered in rating and cataloging all the movies for this blog. Like all social media, it runs afoul of being another online cesspit. 

Whether it's bored kids, unfunny influencers, or cringeworthy journos masquerading as bonafide film critics, here's an example of the awful reviews plastered on there:

Believe it or not, the positive reviews tend to be even more toxic than the horrible ones posted above, since the rush of covering eagerly anticipated films fuels the narcissistic personalities of these critics and their desire to chirp the loudest in their online echochamber:

Quietly praying for some real life Bond villain like Elon Musk to buy Letterboxd and watch these wannabe Eberts go even more mental than how they act now. Potential five star entertainment in the making.


  1. Ban the general public from the internet.

    Ban all 3 hour+ movies except Casino and The Godfather Part 2 too.

  2. A valid reason for bringing back corporal punishment.

    Even Kermode was complaining about the running time in his Killers of the Flower Moon review. Way too long to watch in a cinema.

  3. I saw that. Kermode is generally a hater of long movies. In one of his books he has a chapter about how Miramax indulging Tarantino's excesses post-Jackie Brown has been a terrible thing.

  4. Actually agree with him there. Grateful that the Kill Bill saga was split into two films.

    Lost much of my good faith in Ari Aster after watching Beau Is Afraid recently. Such an over indulgent three hour mess. Kermode seemed to like that, though.

  5. I've seen a buncha folks talking about that in glowing terms, but, yeah, I'm sure I'd hate it.

  6. That's how I felt until Beau met the theatrical troupe in the woods and I realised Aster was trolling his audience. Lost all interest afterwards. Some memorable scenes due to their surrealism, but this felt like it should have been around two hours long at most, imo.
