Monday, June 12, 2023

Network Off Air

Kim Newman is probably crying on his penny-farthing right about now. Seems like the rumour regarding Network going under has been confirmed. Both its website and its social media accounts ceased operating this month.

Network was both an underrated and invaluable physical media distributor, specialising in vintage British cinema and classic TV related releases. Occasionally, the company would dabble in content outside of Britain, like the obscure American horror oddity, Miss Leslie's Dolls (1972). 

The label was the intersecting portion in a Venn diagram for nostalgia heads and film anoraks. The only thing it lacked was the pretence of prestige like some of its peers. That would probably explain why Network is no longer in business today, sadly.

With its absence in the niche world of boutique blu-rays, any hope I had for a bunch of classic sitcoms in high definition are less likely now. Also, my patience for a bunch of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson shows going on deep sale completely backfired, and it's now looking likely scalpers will scoop the lot and flogging them on eBay for extortionate prices.

Stingray: The Complete Series (Deluxe Edition Trailer)
Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, 1964 - 1965


  1. Pour out a little Olde English. MVP status for rescuing Station Six-Sahara from purgatory.

  2. Co-signing Network's MVP status.

    I noticed a bunch of their releases were on Talking Pictures TV in the past.
