Friday, October 7, 2022

Not Quite Hollywood

With Halloween around the corner, it's that time of the year where the boutique blu-ray labels attempt to shamelessly repackage the usual horror movies without so much as a new transfer and bare bones extras in an already oversaturated market. Australian label, Umbrella Entertainment at least get props for providing localised releases of familiar films. The humble Antipodean cinephiles have had to make do with expensive imports for their love of film as it's an under represented territory in comparison to the other world regions.

Loving Umbrella Entertainment's Aussie tinged homages for their latest products in their "G'Day of the Dead" big bundle. The Day of the Dead meets Crocodile Dundee mash-up looks like schlocky Troma cover art. Genuinely impressed by The Texas Chainsaw Massacre release paying tribute to the poster art from Wake in Fright; as it looks legit as hell. The best and most hilarious of the bunch is Frank and Julia Cotton from Hellraiser running through the bush, obviously parodying ozploitation classic Turkey Shoot. Humbly, but proudly feeling sweet that I've covered two of these films on my fledgling blog already.

What's equally hilarious to me are collectors with fat wallets on various social media moaning about these artworks and not having a didgeridoo that they're homage parodies.


  1. Need a The Exorcist cover which homages BMX Bandits next.

  2. They could probably make that work.

    Think if Umbrella Ent. ever decided to do one for A Nightmare on Elm Street release, then the Next of Kin poster would be a good fit for it.

  3. Or turn that poster upside down and they could do Carrie or any number of zombie movies.

  4. Pretty much works for anything really. 😀

    These designs are way more creative than those director tees with band fonts I’ve seen, or any of the Fright Rags apparel.
