Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Picks of 2002

Fave films released from the same year Jade Goody and Alison Hammond were unleashed unto a post-9/11 world. When it rains; it pours.

28 Days Later (Danny Boyle)

Blade II (Guillermo del Toro)

Cabin Fever (Eli Roth)

Catch Me if You Can (Steven Spielberg)

City of God (Kátia Lund & Fernando Meirelles)

Dog Soldiers (Neil Marshall)

Ju-On: The Grudge (Takashi Shimizu)

May (Lucky McKee)

Paid in Full (Charles Stone III)

Reign of Fire (Rob Bowman)

Secretary (Steven Shainberg)

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (Park Chan-Wook)

Slim pickings in retrospect.

Considered adding Gaspar Noé's Irreversible onto the list; which is admittedly a powerful film. However, the first ten or so minutes are beyond nauseating, to the point of vomit inducing. Add that infamous underpass scene and I have no real desire to ever watch it again; nor any of his other films for that matter (except maybe Climax).

Dada Debaser Bonus:

Picks of 2012


  1. An ex of mine was a big fan of Secretary 😊

    Would add Phone Booth and 24 Hour Party People as 2002 personal faves.

    Movies I enjoyed at the cinema in 2002 but I've never rewatched:

    One Hour Photo
    8 Mile
    The Ring

    Still never seen Punch Drunk Love.

  2. Always saw Secretary as the final chapter in the James Spader Being A Preppy Perv trilogy.

    Only memomable thing about 8 Mile is Brittany Murphy being the film's equivalent to Leslie Ash from Quadrophenia; replete with getting chav shagged.

    Not seen Punch-Drunk Love, but I'm not a fan of Paul Thomas Anderson nor his insufferable fan base, so I've never been in any rush to catch it.

  3. Even Boogie Nights?

    My favourite thing about 8 Mile was hearing a buncha 90s classics by Mobb Deep, MC Breed, OC, Onyx, Show & AG etc etc in a packed movie theatre.

  4. I think Boogie Nights is mostly considered Anderson's most accessible film. Partly because it has a story with a sense of real purpose; and the other, because it's having fun. Those aspects are largely lost in the rest of his filmography.

    Kept thinking Eminem's dumb mate was played by J-Zone in 8 Mile.
