Thursday, September 15, 2022


Depressed cinephiles maybe in mourning over their beloved film god Jean-Luc Godard popping off this mortal coil earlier this week, but for us godardless heathens, it was Tuesday. Although, no doubt we'll be deluged with the inevitable obituaries and think pieces of how innovative he was.

Absolutely love finding out about respected creatives feuding with one another: be it film directors shittin' on other film directors; rap diss songs sans the smokescreened subliminals; to critics poppin' off at their once venerable heroes. Which segways nicely to one of my favourite all time Kermode rants. I refuse to believe any of this hilarious annihilation of both Godard and his film Socialisme (2011) was not rehearsed by Mark Kermode. It's too perfect to just fly as an off the cuff rant. It also feels somewhat tragic that the Quiffed One treads more cautiously with his more recent film critiques nowadays.

Socialisme (Review)
Mark Kermode, 2011

Kind of funny how the one thing that immediately came to mind upon hearing of Godard's passing was this classic video, and judging by the comments section, I wasn't the only one either.


  1. 😄 Picard

    "Your mother was a hamster and your father liked Jean Luc Godard movies!"

    At least Truffaut played a great poncey French mad scientist in Close Encounters... The only good to ever come from Godard's career was the main theme from Alphaville and inspiring Jim McBride's Breathless.

  2. Kermode was a killer streak back then. He nailed my disdain for Godard's films and his horrible fanbase perfectly.

    Speaking of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, there's an old episode of Arena with John Carpenter entertainingly hating on it.

  3. Gotta disagree with him on that one, although I will concede that Starman is a better Earthbound sci-fi movie than Close Encounters...

  4. They're both better than Nope, that's for sure. Awful film.
