Monday, September 26, 2022

Disasterpeace for a Disaster Piece

Considering how influential John Carpenter was for not only being a film maker, but as a soundtrack composer, it comes as no surprise then that Disasterpeace has fallen into the same pitfall as his spirit animal this year, by scoring an excellent soundtrack to a trash movie. Won't bore anyone reading this with just how bad the failure of Bodies Bodies Bodies (where are the commas, Hollywood?) and its social satire is, but after sitting all the way through to the troll worthy finale of this Agatha Christie style, zoomer turd, I've well and truly earnt the right to berate the film until my last dying breath.

Disasterpeace - Body Drop
(Bodies Bodies Bodies soundtrack, 2022)

Still processing the soundtrack, but the main theme, Body Drop is an instant highlight for me since it conveniently sums up what's so great about this new album; it resembles Disasterpeace's older work the most, but it also displays some obvious progress since then. Along with the rolling menacing trap basslines, what's really apparent about Disasterpeace's latest album are the influences of other horror soundtrack composers featured on it. There's still the gawd John Carpenter's indelible blueprint all over it, but you can't help noticing Fred Myrow and Malcolm Seagrave's classic Phantasm Main Theme on the track Whokiller, nor Jonathan Newton's score from the relatively obscure Unhinged (1982) on the track titled Dork.

Disasterpeace - Old Maid
(It Follows soundtrack, 2014)

One of my favourite film soundtracks from the 2010s was for David Mitchell's venereal teen horror, It Follows (2014). Other than it being a classic horror film in its own right, Disasterpeace's soundtrack for it, was an important contributor with it popping out from other generic teen horror flicks. The track I love the most is undoubtedly Old Maid. The build up at the start sounds so alien like, that it's become an earworm to me in the same vein as the one Chekov had that one time. Add in that alarm clock from hell chiming in and that's my morning wake-up theme to get the day poppin' off on the right track.


  1. The ear bug scene will always give me the heebie-jeebies 🙉

    That Body Drop song is so damn sick. Will peep the album.

  2. Disasterpeace's soundtrack is the only redeemable part regarding Bodies Bodies Bodies. The film made me feel like that snooty maître d'from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. "I weep for the future".

  3. The Dork song might be even better. That noise is a dead-ringer for the Imperial Alliance theme from Star Fleet.

  4. That noise reminds me of something off Fabio Frizzi's The Beyond soundtrack.

    Dork is supposedly a remix of Geoff Barrow & Ben Salisbury's Council of Five off the Judge Dredd themed concept album, Drokk: Music Inspired By Mega-City One. Copped it just before the actual film came out and think I posted a thread about it on Rick Rubin back in the day.
