Saturday, January 1, 2022

Don't Mess With My Two Two

Merry New Year!

Mark it up as a cruel twist of fate that Archbishop Desmond Tutu missed out on hitting the number he was always synonymous with by a just few days. That won't stop me from being cautiously optimistic that 2022 will turn out to be better than its last couple of predecessors.

Since we're entering the winter duldrums and all the clickbaiters' best of 2021 lists have me feeling like I'm living in Bizarro World, it's a good time to rant and focus on the past movies I love. Besides which, any new movie released from now until spring is usually out for tax reasons, anyway.

In terms of upcoming entertainment: I'm expecting good things from The Northman, as Robert Eggers is two for two right now; I'm sticking to my resolution in going easy on the boutique blu's, but Second Sight's release of The Hitcher will no doubt be an instant buy. Looking forward to checking out the new season of Cobra Kai. Not much else I can immdiately think of, but it's a good feeling going into the new year feeling all fresh-faced.

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