Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Sending You Forget Me Nots

Apples (Christos Nikou, 2021)

Apples (Trailer)
(Christos Nikou, 2021)

When Yiorgos Lanthimos ushered in his bonkers 2009 film, Dogtooth to unsuspecting audiences, he also opened the floodgates of Greek Weird Wave to the world. Christos Nikou's feature length debut, Apples follows this trend with a way more accessible offering for the uninitiated. 

Love the concept of a pandemic leaving the afflicted with amnesia and how it affects Aris, the film's protagonist in his reintroduction into society. The hilariously sinister treatment method is easily the film's largest draw for me; which could have been a Farrelly Brothers film in another life. Also worth mentioning are the charming supporting characters, particularly Anna, a fellow amnesiac and potential love interest.

"Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it
Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it
Shake it like a Polaroid picture! Hey ya!"

Easily a firm contender for one of my fave films out this year and definitely a stand out from all the overly melodramatic and depressingly gloomy Greek films I've seen to date. An exceptional film.

Somewhat ironic how both Christos Nikou's Apples and Camille Griffin's Silent Night feel very relevant in today's current climate, despite being filmed before shit hit the fan for us. Can't say I'm full of the same praise for the latter film, however.

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